Serum Diagnostic Escherichiosis OK-polyvalent dry for the agglutination test (RA) are liquid or lyophilized immune sera obtained from the blood of rabbits or rams hyperimmunized with corpuscular E. coli antigens of the following OK groups:
Serum is escherichiose OKD to antigens: О18:К77; О25:К11; О44:К74; О75:К95; О114:К90; О142:К86; О143:К-; О151:К-; «408».
Serum Diagnostic Escherichiosis OKD is a transparent or pinkish-yellow liquid or hygroscopic, porous amorphous mass of white or pinkish-yellow color.
The diagnostic serum of the escherichial OKD contains specific antibodies to the surface (K) and somatic (O) antigens of E. coli, which, upon interaction with the corresponding microorganisms, cause their agglutination.
Purpose: Serological identification of E. coli by O and K antigens in the agglutination reaction (RA) on glass.
Analytical and diagnostic characteristics
Specific activity: sera and immunoglobulins should give a positive RA response with homologous E. coli test strains and give a negative reaction with heterologous E. coli test strains.
Specific activity of the kit when determining at the museum test strains E. coli -100%.
The diagnostic specificity of the kit is determined on the museum test strains of E. coli as the percentage of samples identified by the set as negative, and is more than 97%.
The diagnostic sensitivity of the kit is determined on the museum test strains of E.coli as the percentage of samples determined by the set as positive, and is more than 99%.
Mode of application:
The identification of the studied culture begins with the setting of PA on glass with polyvalent serum OK-sera.
With positive RA with one of the polyvalent sera, the live culture is further tested in RA on glass with OK-immunoglobulins or with typical OC-sera (in a 1: 5 dilution) of those OC groups whose antibodies contain polyvalent serum.
Positive PA with immunoglobulins is confirmed with the corresponding adsorbed O-group sera in RA on a glass with a culture heated at 100 ° C for 30 minutes and centrifuged for 15 minutes at 2500-3500 rpm.
In the absence of OK-immunoglobulins, the determination of OK-groups of E.coli is carried out with the help of OK sera in RA on a glass with live culture, and then in a tube at 100C for 30 minutes.
Setting RA on glass
Polyvalent OK-sera and OK-immunoglobulins
Dry whey (immunoglobulin) is dissolved in 1 ml. 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride. A drop (about 50 μl) of serum (immunoglobulin) is applied to the slide.
The test culture grown in test tubes on beveled meat and peptone agar for 18-20 hours at 37C is removed from the surface of the agar near the condensate by a loop, applied to the slide near the drop of serum (immunoglobulin) and gradually, beginning with the edge of the drop, ground in it.
In the presence of agglutinins, flocculent agglutinate appears in the drop of serum (immunoglobulin) within 3 minutes to the test strain.
Control is the suspension of the culture in question obtained in a similar way in a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.
Accounting and interpretation of results
The RA results are visually assessed and evaluated as follows:
4 (+) - coarse-grained, well-expressed agglutinate, completely clear liquid in a drop.
3 (+) - coarse-grained well-expressed agglutinate, the liquid in the drop is not completely transparent.
2 (+) - agglutinate is weakly expressed, the liquid in the drop is cloudy.
1 (+) - traces of agglutinate, liquid in a drop cloudy.
(-) - negative result, homogeneously turbid liquid in the drop.
RA with diagnostic serum is taken into account only when it is absent in the control.
The culture under study is referred to the corresponding OK group if a positive RA of this group is obtained on glass with OK-immunoglobulin no lower than 3 (+).
Form of issue
The basic version of the kit includes 1 bottle (1 ml) of each serum (immunoglobulin) from among the named in the kit: the bottles are placed together with the instruction for the use of the corresponding kit in a cardboard box. At the request of the customer, the basic equipment can be changed.
Shelf life
Shelf life of each series of sera (immunoglobulins): dry - 5 years and liquid 2 years from the date of receipt of the OPF of the manufacturer
Storage and transportation
Store in manufacturer's packaging at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C
Transportation at a temperature of 9-25 C dry whey (immunoglobulins) for 14 days, liquid - for 10 days.
Delivery time: 5 days
The information is actual: 07/07/2018
Serum Diagnostic Escherichiosis OKD
- Brands ЭКОлаб
- Product Code: флакон 1 мл
- Availability: In Stock
1,800.00 грн
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