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  • Аттест 1262

1262 (1262 P) steam sterilization. Certificate Biological indicator 3M

General characteristics
The principle of the biological indicator is based on the use of disputes
thermophilic bacteria Bacillus stearothermophilus (Geobacillus
stearothermophilus) - ATCC 7953, which are applied to a strip embedded in
a polypropylene case together with a bacterial growth medium which
contained in a glass ampoule. After that, the process of sterilization of Amuli with
medium, is a pH sensitive dye, breaks down and pencil case
placed in a thermostat. In the presence of live bacteria within 24 hours
(After incubation at (562) ° C), the color changes
medium from purple to yellow, indicating improper mode
sterilization. If the color of the medium has not changed, the sterilization mode is taken as
The biological steam sterilization indicator 3M Attestation 1262 presents
an indicator kit that includes the following components:
- test strip containing B. stearothermophilus spores
a minimum concentration of 1.0-105 CFU;
- the nutrient medium in the glass ampoule to be broken after
sterilization. The medium is a modified tryptic soy broth with
application of pH-sensitive indicator paint - bromocresol purple;
- a soft polypropylene case containing a test strip with
spores of B. stearothermophilus and ampoule with nutrient medium;
  - brown polypropylene cap identifies
biological inocator 3M Attestation 1262, which contains hydrophobic
bacterial filter;
- a label indicating the name of the biological indicator and give
production. The label contains a chemical indicator that changes color with
purple to yellow after sterilization. The label provides space for
records of sterilization parameters (dates, material names,
sterilized, sterilizer numbers, etc.).
Attestation 1262 biological indicator (brown cap)
is intended for monitoring of steam sterilization processes carried out
gravity steam gravity steam at 121 ° C and at
132 ° C in vacuum sterilizers (vacuum sterilization).
at a temperature of 121 ° C and at a temperature of 132 ° C in vacuum
sterilizers (vacuum sterilization).
The biological Attest 1262 indicator is used for monitoring
sterilization process:
- bags of cloth when sterilized by gravity steam at
temperature 121C for a duration of 30 minutes or more, or vacuum sterilization
at a temperature of 132C for a duration of 4 minutes or more
- metal tools and rigid devices in protective wrappers at
sterilization of gravity steam at a temperature of 121C with a duration of 20 and
more minutes
- metal tools and rigid devices in protective wrappers at
vacuum sterilization at a temperature of 132C for a duration of 4 minutes or more
- metal tools in individually packaged or solid
devices under vacuum sterilization by express cycle at a temperature of 132c
lasting 4 minutes or more
- metal tools and rigid appliances without protective wrappers and
porous parts when sterilized by gravity steam at 121C
lasting 15 minutes or more
- metal tools and rigid appliances without protective wrappers and
porous parts under vacuum sterilization at 132C
lasting 3 minutes or more.
Method of application
Identify biological indicator 1262 before beginning
of sterilization by marking on its label the name of the sterilizer, the number
the batch of materials loaded into the sterilizer and the date of sterilization.
Position the indicator horizontally or cap up most
hard to reach for a couple of places. As a rule, such places are at the bottom
parts of the sterilizer, at the door and above the drainage hole.
Sterilize the materials loaded into the sterilizer in
After the sterilization cycle, put on safety goggles and
gloves and completely open the sterilizer door for at least 5
minutes before removing the biological indicator from there.
Note the change in the color of the chemical indicator on the label
biological indicator. The change from pink to brown indicates
that the biological indicator reacted to the steam sterilization process. However,
a change in color does not mean that sterilization was sufficient. if the color
the chemical indicator has not changed, check that the sterilization is correct.
If the biological indicator is in the test package or
in another heat-absorbing package, remove the biological indicator from
sterilizer and let it cool for 10 minutes before
break the ampoule with a nutrient medium.
If the biological indicator is in the test packet or in
other Heat-absorbing packaging, remove this package or packaging from
sterilizer and open for 5 minutes to cool. Then remove
from there biological

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Аттест 1262

  • Product Code: Аттест 1262 (1261)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 300.00 грн

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